Micro-Electric Vehicle Competition
Wednesday, May 7
2:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Yazaki North America, Inc.
6801 Haggerty Road, Canton, MI 48187

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are a central focus of SAE Detroit Section's K-12 programs. This competition provides an opportunity for high school students to build a mini-vehicle and compete with other schools for cash awards.

Teachers can prepare for this competition as an after-school activity or part of a classroom curriculum.

Award categories:
Overall Winning School
- accumulated total points per school for Performance and Design events
Performance - multi-heat, double elimination head-to-head race
Design - written paper and an oral presentation

Overall Winning School
1st Place - $2,000
2nd Place - $1,500
3rd Place - $1,000

Performance (Top Three Teams)
Capacitor and Non-Capacitor Classes

1st Place - $200
2nd Place - $150
3rd Place - $100

Design (Top Three Teams)
1st Place - $200
2nd Place - $150
3rd Place - $100

Sponsorship Opportunities
Competition Registration
Competition Rules

Important Note: Registration and design competition papers are due Wednesday, April 16. 

For more information, email Stephanie Alexander or call (248) 324-4445 ext. 3.

Consent to Use of Images
Please note that photographs and video taken by or on behalf of SAE Detroit Section of event activities and attendees shall be the property of SAE Detroit Section. By registering for an SAE Detroit Section event, you consent to the use by SAE Detroit Section of any photograph or video in which you appear, including for promotional purposes, in print, digital, or other format, without notice or compensation to you.

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