Michigan Advanced Technician Training
Companies: Are you in need of skilled technicians? Concerned about your future talent pipeline? Check out the Michigan Advanced Technician Training program (MAT2), an industry-defined standardized associate's degree program that develops highly-skilled and capable technicians in in-demand fields.
MAT2 allows companies to "grow their own" employees, and ensure their own professional competency standards by being directly involved in the education/training process. Benchmarked on the German Dual Education System, MAT2 combines theory, practice, and work experience by alternating between school periods and work periods over the course of the 3-year program. During the school period, students alternate between the classroom and the hands-on learning lab in order to gain practical working experience and learn the latest techniques During the work periods, students work with a company instructor to reinforce what they've learned in the classroom on the company's equipment and processes during value added assignments.
We are now recruiting companies to join the Fall 2014 programs in Mechatronics, Design & Visualization, and Information Technology to be offered at:
- Mechatronics: Oakland Community College, Henry Ford Community College, Macomb Community College
- Design & Visualization: Macomb Community College & Mott Community College
- Information Technology: Henry Ford Community College & Wayne Community College
Companies who sign up by February 15 will be invited to the first company fair in mid-March, be featured on the MAT2 website with a company-specific promotional video. Companies must sign up by April 1 to attend the second company fair, tentatively scheduled for mid-May.
Click here for flyer.
Employers can now log on to http://www.mitalent.org/mat2-employer-information/ to learn more about MAT2 or directly contact Jacqui Mieksztyn at mieksztynj@michigan.org or 517-588-9443.